Day 5 on the Big Island

Hard for me to explain in words how I feel when waking up on Hawaii. As I lay there, tired from not enough sleep, some how feeling guilty for being in such a beautiful hotel, and feeling that perfect skin temperature air on me once more, I could not wait to get out and explore the grounds in the light of day.

The first Sea Turtle we ran across.

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Yes, this will do nicely

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We ate left over jelly from the late night room service, fruit and crackers for breakfast, then went headed into town. On the way back I wanted to stop at this lave cave. These are exposed when lava beds shift from rain or small earthquakes. I went back a ways, but came back out when I realized it would be a very hard climb from the other side.

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We snorkeled when we got back to the hotel and spotted our first turtle in the water with us. Sea Turtles are endangered so we are supposed to keep 20 feet away, but they swim right up to you making it very hard to keep that distance.

Heidi snapped this amazing picture of an Egret with a lizard in its mouth

The pic. is out of focus but still cool.

We went out late and took some more pictures in the dark.

That’s a nice bathroom.

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